Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-12 End Date1992-07-12
The Compagnia Maggistica Val Dolo is one of the Emilian maggio companies, which performs in a quite different style from the Tuscan maggio companies. This performance at Gragnanella, the main performance space for the official maggio series sponsored each summer by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca, was one of a number of exchange visits that generally take place each summer between the Tuscan and Emilian maggio circuits. At the end of the performance of the maggio "I vichinghi" ("The Vikings"), Tuscan maggio performers joined the visiting Emilians in an informal performance of various maggio stanzas and stornelli (brief lyrical songs).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-92PIX01
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-19 End Date1992-07-19
Photographs of Maggio 'Re Eronte', by Giuseppe Coltelii, performed by the compagnia Piazza al Serchio at Gragnanella (LU) 19/7/1992. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-92PIX02
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-26 End Date1992-07-26
Photographs of Maggio 'Pia de' Tolomei' performed by compagnia Pieve di Compito at Gragnanella (LU) 26/7/1992. The Pieve di Compito company, which is based in a small town near Lucca, the provincial capital, has quite a different performance style from the Garfagnino companies that usually perform at Gragnanella. This performance was part of the series sponsored each year by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The Maggio Pia de' Tolomei is one of the most famous maggio stories - see Barwick, L. (2005). 'An Ample and Very Poetical Narrative': The Vicissitudes of 'La Pia' between the Literary and Oral Traditions. In M. Baker, F. Coassin & D. Glenn (Eds.), Flinders Dante Conferences, 2002 & 2004 (pp. 77-101). Adelaide: Lythrum Press.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-92PIX03
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-02 End Date1992-08-02
The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by Giuliano Bertagni, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-92PIX04
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-09 End Date1992-08-09
In this performance, the same Maggio text and company appear as in LB2-92PIX03. These photographs reveal some interesting differences from the previous performance in terms of staging - due to constraints of time and the venue, the performance was somewhat abridged.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-92PIX05
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-16 End Date1992-08-16
Photographs of Maggio 'Re Eronte', performed by the compagnia Piazza al Serchio at Agliano 16/8/1992. This is the same Maggio text and company as LB1-92PIX02, here performing on home territory (Agliano, a small village near Gramolazzo in the upper Garfagnana, is the home village of the company's leading lady, Iole Paladini).
1A ruined house near performance ground
2A audience and performance helpers, poster for Maggio on tree
3A musicians: Giorgio Ennio (Fisarmonica), Alfredo Redenti (Violino), Battista Peghini (chitarra)
4A preparation for performance: the Turkish camp
5A Syrian king announces joust for daughter's hand in marriage; Adelmo, Nildo, Re siriano, Leonide
6A joust - Adelmo and Florindo
7A joust - Adelmo and Nildo
8A joust - Adelmo and Eronte
9A audience and performers in Turkish camp
10A war: Fidalma and Adelmo, Eronte and Re Siriano, Arcario and Florindo (obscured)
11A Adelmo and Fidalma, with prompt Nando Mori
12A Adelmo and Florinda, with musicians
13A Leonide returns to her father's court in disguise: L-R Nildo, Leonide with baby doll, Re Siriano, prompt Nando Mori
14A later in same scene, small boy walking across in front of musicians
15A Leonide and Leonetto
17A Syrian camp prepares for war: Adelmo, Leonide, Florindo, Fidalma, Nildo, Re siriano, prompt
18A the Christian army advances: Ernest, Eronte, Arcario; Adelmo in foreground
19A Eronte confronts Syrian king: L-R, Arcario, prompt, Ernesto, Eronte, Re siriano, [Leonide]
20A Eronte and Ernesto confronting the Syrians [out of picture]
21A Arcario and Eronte watch Leonetto fight Ernesto
22A another view of same
23A Eronte comforts dying Ernesto, Arcario and Leonetto watch
24A Ernesto confesses to Eronte, Arcario watching
25A another view of same, Leonide and Leonetto visible on extreme R
26A Another view of same, Turkish camp watching
27A Eronte fights Leonetto
28A Arcario, Eronte, Leonide (unmasked), Leonetto, Re siriano
29A Leonide, Eronte and Leonetto embrace, watched by Arcario and Re siriano
30A Arcario, Eronte, Leonide, Leonetto, Re siriano, Fidalma, Adelmo [Nildo obscured]
31A Leonetto sings ottava, watched by Eronte, Leonide, Re siriano, Nildo, Adelmo
32A Arcario, Eronte, Leonide, Re siriano, Leonetto, Adelmo, Fildalma [Nildo obscured]
33A coro finale: whole cast including Ernesto - facing in
34A coro finale, closer view of same
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-92PIX06
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-23 End Date1992-08-23
Photographs of Maggio 'Re Eronte', performed by the compagnia Piazza al Serchio at Varliano 23/8/1992. Another performance of the same Maggio text as in LB1-92PIX02 and LB1-92PIX06. The performance space at Varliano lies in the upper Garfagnana, and is the base for the second half of the annual maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-92PIX07
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-30 End Date1995-07-30
Colour photographs taken by Linda Barwick and Allan Marett showing the Acqua Bianca company performing the Maggio "Sant'Uliva" at Gragnanella (LU) on 30 July 1995. The Acqua Bianca company, newly formed in 1995, included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided. Additional photo prints were also contributed by Piergiorgio Lenzi - these have been digitised from the prints.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-95PIX01
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-16 End Date1995-08-16
Photographs of Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone', performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio at Ugliancaldo 16/8/1995. Each year, for the holiday of Ferragosto (Pentecost), a maggio performance was commissioned in the picturesque village of Ugliancaldo, which lies on the watershed of the Garfagnana valley, near the border of the Provincia di Massa. There is usually a large audience, and the Piazza al Serchio company includes a number of members from the nearby villages of Regnano and Pieve San Lorenzo.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-95PIX02
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-20 End Date1995-08-20
Photographs of Maggio 'Sant'Uliva', performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca at Piazza al Serchio 20/8/1995 - this is the same company and Maggio text as seen in LB1-95PIX01. Here they are performing on home turf, in a small public space within the town of Piazza al Serchio itself. Captions: LB2-95PIX03-09A - Andrea Bertei.
LB2-95PIX03-10A - Andrea Bertei.
LB2-95PIX03-11A - Gianfranco Menchi with prompt Roberto Cabonargi.
LB2-95PIX03-12A - The audience. Salvatore Cabonargi and Luigi Crudeli are the maggianti sitting at the table; Danilo Bertei talking to a friend.
LB2-95PIX03-13A - Salvatore Cabonargi with Alda Nobili, prompt Roberto Cabonargi.
LB2-95PIX03-14A - Gianfranco Menchi.
LB2-95PIX03-15A - Silvano Bertolini.
LB2-95PIX03-16A - Andrea Bertei and Ada Nobili.
LB2-95PIX03-17A - The audience. Alfredo Redenti playing violin.
LB2-95PIX03-18A - The audience, including Luigi Crudeli's wife.
LB2-95PIX03-19A - The audience, Gianfranco Menchi at left, and Giuseppe Rossi playing guitar at right.
LB2-95PIX03-20A - Andrea Bertei, Nando Mori, Danilo Bertei, prompt Roberto Cabonargi, violinist Alfredo Redenti.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-95PIX03
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-05 End Date1998-07-05
Photographs of Maggio performed by the Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company at Antisciana 5/7/1998.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-98PIX01
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-05 End Date1998-07-05
Photographs of Maggio "La guerra di Troia", performed by the Gorfigliano company at Viano (MS) 12/7/1998
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-98PIX02
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2006-06-05 End Date2006-06-05
Audio dubs from 1994. 1) Maggios sung by Ferri and Pedri (AT94/18) with edits. 2) Dub of tape of "Messa antica" from Cogna, lent by Don Bruno Pedri, recorded in 1980 or so. "Messa antica" (edited from entire mass) starts in middle of Kyrie, Et in terra pax, Credo, priest, Sanctus (DB says only twice, but should be 3 times), Agnus Dei.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9400
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
"Sacra rappresentazione della Nativitá e della strage degli innocenti". Compagnia di Gragnanella. "Sacra rappresentazione della Nativitá e della strage degli innocenti" performed by Compagnia di Gragnanella at Gragnanella on 1/1/94. Sacra rappresentazione della nativita' e della strage degli innocenti (La Befana) secondo la nuova redazione adottata dai cantori di Gragnanella per le rappresentazioni del 1980, a cura di Gastone Venturelli, CTP Lucca 18, 1980.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9401
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-01-05 End Date1994-01-05
3 minutes of sign subtitling of news, TG4, 2/1/94, then "Befanate" 5/1/94.
The Befanate (Epiphany begging songs) were from 5 different places in the lower Garfagnana: Eglio, Montaltissimo, Gallicano, Molazzana, and Sassi. I was taken around by Gastone Venturelli (academic authority on Maggio and Tuscan popular traditions).
The video was impossible - lots of people in narrow streets, hardly any light, but I recorded mainly for the audio.
1. Eglio - (Venturelli's home town) they sang a different verse for each house, plus standard begging and thanks songs). We visited several houses - accompanied by accordion. Corin Bone took photos [turned out badly so not archived].
2. Montaltissimo - 2 places (had donkey, Befana was man in drag making obscene jokes) melody slightly different from Eglio - mostly young kids singing, no accompaniment
3. Gallicano - very different text and melody - northern style with harmonies - very good singing - cart with candles - guitar accompaniment. Gallicano is not strictly speaking in the Garfagnana, nor is Molazzana.
4. Molazzana - in minor key, with accordion - ritorello in major key. Venturelli says ritornello recently learnt.
5. Sassi - very similar to Eglio, but repeat last 2 lines instead of first line of text, ABCDCD not ABCDA. Eglio and Sassi are located very close together to the point where they are counted as a single locality, nevertheless there is a significant difference.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9402
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-03 End Date1994-07-03
Piazza al Serchio 3/7/94 - Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9403
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-03 End Date1994-07-03
Piazza al Serchio 3/7/94 - Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9404
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-10 End Date1994-07-10
Gragnanella 10/7/94 - Maggio 'Costantino il Grande' compagnia Partigliano tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9405
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-10 End Date1994-07-10
Gragnanella 10/7/94 - Maggio 'Costantino il Grande' compagnia Partigliano tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9406
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-17 End Date1994-07-17
Gragnanella 17/7/94 - Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9407
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-17 End Date1994-07-17
Gragnanella 17/7/94 - Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9408
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-24 End Date1994-07-24
Pugliano 24/7/94 - Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9409
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-24 End Date1994-07-24
Pugliano 24/7/94 - Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 2 of 2 - st. 72-end (faulty transfer, truncated)
For full contents see VHS backups VT9409_10
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9410
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-31 End Date1994-07-31
San Pellegrino in Alpe 31/7/94 - Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' compagnia Gragnanella-F-C tape 1 of 1
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9411
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-06 End Date1994-08-06
Gorfigliano 6/8/94 - Processione della Madonnina dei cavatori tape 1 of 1
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9412
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-18 End Date1994-08-18
"Messa antica". Singers: Corino Magistrelli, Giulio Pedri, Delfo Pedri, Rizieri Benelli, Don Bruno Pedri.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9423
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-19 End Date1994-08-19
Rehearsals for singing for Ungheresi, stornelli, etc. (canto). Andrea Bertei and others, Maurizio Crudeli guitar.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9424
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-21 End Date1994-08-21
"Re Alfonso d'Estonia". Compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9425
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-21 End Date1994-08-21
"Re Alfonso d'Estonia". Compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9426
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-22 End Date1994-08-22
Serata per gli Ungheresi. Andrea Bertei and others. Stornelli, etc. This was a performance for a visiting group of dignitaries from Piazza al Serchio's twin city in Hungary.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9427
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-28 End Date1994-08-28
"Re Filippo d'Egitto". Compagnia Piazza al Serchio. St. 1 to 100.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9428
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-28 End Date1994-08-28
"Re Filippo d'Egitto". Compagnia Piazza al Serchio. St. 101.3 to end. One or two syllables lost at beginning of St. 149 due to battery change.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9429
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-30 End Date1995-07-30
St. 1-69 (st. 37.1 missed due to battery change). Bad picture. Filmed by Steven Favali and Linda Barwick.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9507
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-30 End Date1995-07-30
St. 70.2 -157.3 (part). Filmed by Steven Favali and Linda Barwick.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9508
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Varliano 6/8/95 - Maggio "La figlia del Sultano" by Giuliano Grandini. Starts with speech by Piergiorgio Lenzi, capomaggio (6 minutes, beginning missed). Original Hi8 tape contained St. 1-91, but unable to be fully transferred when digitisation attempted in 2016.
For full content see digitisation of VHS backup at VT9509_10
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9509
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Varliano 6/8/95 - Maggio "La figlia del Sultano" by Giuliano Grandini. St. 92.3-end. Between st 97 and 98, Giuseppe Delfrate "Attaccabanda" from Bedizzano (Carrara) is introduced by capomaggio Piergiorgio Lenzi and sings ottava and improvised quintine.
See also VHS dub at VT9509_10
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9510
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
St. 3.4-69. Recorded by Antonio Cornin on Sony Handycam CCD AU 220.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9511
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
St. 70 end. Recorded by Antonio Cornin. Tape damaged, st. 92 - 94 unplayable.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9512
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-11 End Date1995-08-11
Short play camera recording in stereo.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9513
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-11 End Date1995-08-11
Metra 11/8/95 - Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9514
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-16 End Date1995-08-16
St. 1-55. Interrupted due to rain.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9515
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-20 End Date1995-08-20
Piazza al Serchio 20/8/95 - Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by the compagnia Acqua Bianca at UNRRA location of Piazza al Serchio, tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9516
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Maggio "Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta" as performed by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio (LU), tape 1 of 3. The recording starts from the second line of the first stanza of the script and continues through to the fourth line of the 105th stanza.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9601
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Varliano 4/8/1996 - 'Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 2 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9602A
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Varliano 4/8/1996 - Maggio 'Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 3 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9602B
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Casciana 4/8/1996 - Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9603
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Casciana 4/8/1996 - Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9604
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-06 End Date1996-08-06
Item contains instrumental music.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9605
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-08 End Date1996-08-08
Piazza al Serchio brass band and Coro gregoriano at Piazza al Serchio church, 8/8/1996
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9606
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-10 End Date1996-08-10
Motrone 10/8/1996 - Maggio 'Santa Flavia' compagnia Partigliano tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9607
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-10 End Date1996-08-10
Motrone 10/8/1996 - Maggio 'Santa Flavia' compagnia Partigliano tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9608
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-11 End Date1996-08-11
Item contains instrumental music.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9609
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-11 End Date1996-08-11
Gorfigliano 11/8/96 Maggio 'La guerra di Troia' compagnia Gorfigliano tape 1 of 1
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9610
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-16 End Date1996-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/96 Maggio 'le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 1 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9611
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-16 End Date1996-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/96 Maggio 'le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 2 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9612
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-16 End Date1996-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/96 Maggio 'le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' compagnia Piazza al Serchio tape 3 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9613
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Varliano 18/8/96 Maggio 'La regina della Dacia' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico tape 1 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9614
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Varliano 18/8/96 Maggio 'La regina della Dacia' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico tape 2 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9615
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Varliano 18/8/96 Maggio 'La regina della Dacia' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico tape 3 of 3
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9616
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Piazza al Serchio 18/8/96 Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca tape 1 of 4
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9617
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Piazza al Serchio 18/8/96 Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca tape 2 of 4
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9618
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Piazza al Serchio 18/8/96 Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca tape 3 of 4
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9619
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Piazza al Serchio 18/8/96 Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca tape 4 of 4
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9620
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-25 End Date1996-08-25
Vallico di Sopra 25/8/96 - Maggio 'La Pia de' Tolomei' compagnia Piano di Coreglia-Fabbriche di Vallico tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9621
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-25 End Date1996-08-25
Vallico di Sopra 25/8/96 - Maggio 'La Pia de' Tolomei' compagnia Piano di Coreglia-Fabbriche di Vallico tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9622
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Partigliano 1/9/96 - Maggio 'La Pia de' Tolomei' compagnia Piano di Coreglia-Fabbriche di Vallico tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9623
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Partigliano 1/9/96 - Maggio 'La Pia de' Tolomei' compagnia Piano di Coreglia-Fabbriche di Vallico tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9624
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-05 End Date1992-07-05
Piazza al Serchio 5/7/92 - Maggio 'Re Eronte' compagnia di Piazza al Serchio audio tape 1 of 2. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
This tape includes Stanzas 1-51 (side A) and Stanzas 153-155 (side B)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9201
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-05 End Date1992-07-05
Piazza al Serchio 5/7/92 - Maggio 'Re Eronte' compagnia di Piazza al Serchio audio tape 2 of 2. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
This tape includes Stanzas 58.3-104 (side A) and Stanzas 105-152 (side B)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9202
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-12 End Date1992-07-12
Gragnanella 12/7/92 Maggio 'I Vichinghi' compagnia Val Dolo audio tape 1 of 2. The Compagnia Maggistica Val Dolo is one of the Emilian maggio companies, which performs in a quite different style from the Tuscan maggio companies. This performance at Gragnanella, the main performance space for the official maggio series sponsored each summer by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca, was one of a number of exchange visits that generally take place each summer between the Tuscan and Emilian maggio circuits. At the end of the performance of the maggio "I vichinghi" ("The Vikings"), Tuscan maggio performers joined the visiting Emilians in an informal performance of various maggio stanzas and stornelli (brief lyrical songs).
Recording consists of two sides A and B and a second tape AT9204
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9203
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-12 End Date1992-07-12
Gragnanella 12/7/92 Maggio 'I Vichinghi' compagnia Val Dolo audio tape 2 of 2. The Compagnia Maggistica Val Dolo is one of the Emilian maggio companies, which performs in a quite different style from the Tuscan maggio companies. This performance at Gragnanella, the main performance space for the official maggio series sponsored each summer by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca, was one of a number of exchange visits that generally take place each summer between the Tuscan and Emilian maggio circuits. At the end of the performance of the maggio "I vichinghi" ("The Vikings"), Tuscan maggio performers joined the visiting Emilians in an informal performance of various maggio stanzas and stornelli (brief lyrical songs).
Recording consists of one sides (A) and a second tape AT9203
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9204
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-19 End Date1992-07-19
Gragnanella 19/7/92 Maggio 'Eronte' by Giuseppe Coltelli, according to the version adopted by the Compagnia dei Maggianti di Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Video recordings on video tapes VT9707-VT9709 (Sony Hi-8); audio recordings on AT9205-AT9206.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9205
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-19 End Date1992-07-19
Gragnanella 19/7/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at registrazione a Gragnanella, audio tape 2 of 2. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Video recordings on video tapes V7-9 (Sony Hi-8); audio recordings on AT9205-AT9206.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9206
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-26 End Date1992-07-26
The Maggio 'Pia de' Tolomei' by compagnia di Pieve di Compito at Gragnanella (LU) 26/7/1992. The Pieve di Compito company, which is based in a small town near Lucca, the provincial capital, has quite a different performance style from the Garfagnino companies that usually perform at Gragnanella. This performance was part of the series sponsored each year by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The Maggio Pia de' Tolomei is one of the most famous maggio stories - see Barwick, L. (2005). 'An Ample and Very Poetical Narrative': The Vicissitudes of 'La Pia' between the Literary and Oral Traditions. In M. Baker, F. Coassin & D. Glenn (Eds.), Flinders Dante Conferences, 2002 & 2004 (pp. 77-101). Adelaide: Lythrum Press.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9207
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-02 End Date1992-08-02
Gragnanella 2/8/92 Maggio 'Licia la schiava di Roma' by compagnia di Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at registrazione a Gragnanella. The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by company member Giuliano Grandini, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes.
Side A contains Stanzas 1-49.4 and side B contains Stanzas 49.5-86.
-E contains the following excerpts: stanzas 3, 7-9, 12, 16, 18.20, 25, 41, 47, 49/49 bis, 57, 58, 62, 68, 72, 82, 83
Video recordings on video tapes LB2-VT9212-14; audio recordings on audio tapes LB2-AT9208 and LB2-AT9209.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9208
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-02 End Date1992-08-02
Gragnanella 2/8/92 Maggio 'Licia la schiava di Roma' by compagnia di Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at registrazione a Gragnanella. The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by company member Giuliano Grandini, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes.
Side A contains Stanzas 87.1-138.2 and side B contains Stanzas 138.2-end.
-E contains the following excerpts: stanzas 97, 130-32, 136, end
Video recordings on video tapes LB2-VT9212-14; audio recordings on audio tapes LB2-AT9208 and LB2-AT9209.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9209
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-08 End Date1992-08-08
Mugnano 8/8/92 Zingaresca "Bardone e Linchietto" di Marco Nicolosi by compagnia di Pieve di Compito audio tape 1 of 1 at Mugnano (frazione di Lucca), 8/8/92.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9210
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-09 End Date1992-08-09
Migliano 9/8/92 Maggio 'Licia la schiava di Roma' by compagnia di Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at registrazione a Migliano (frazione di Fosciandora), 9/8/92.
The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by company member Giuliano Grandini, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes. There are many cuts to this performance due to time constraints.
Audio tape 1 of 2 side A contains Stanzas 1-48.3 and side B contains 49.3-101.3.
-E1 contains the following excerpts: stanzas 3, 7-9, 12, 16, 18-20, 25, 41, 47, 49/49 bis (1st 2 lines missing), 68 (ends at end of tape)
-E2 contains the following excerpts: stanzas 71, 82-83, 97, 100bis (9.8), 100bis (2.8), 130-132, 136
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9211
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-09 End Date1992-08-09
Migliano 9/8/92 Maggio 'Licia la schiava di Roma' by compagnia di Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at registrazione a Migliano (frazione di Fosciandora), 9/8/92.
The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by company member Giuliano Grandini, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes. There are many cuts to this performance due to time constraints.
Audio 2 of 2 side A contains Stanzas 102.2-145.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9212
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-16 End Date1992-08-16
Agliano 16/8/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at the registrazione a Agliano audio tape 1 of 2. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
This is the same Maggio text and company as LB2-AT9205, here performing on home territory (Agliano, a small village near Gramolazzo in the upper Garfagnana, is the home village of the company's leading lady, Iole Paladini). Note they did extra arietta at end especially for the Agliano audience. It was a nice venue, but sword fights suffered from slippery surface.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-52.2 (side A) and 26.2-102.2 (side B). Tape 2 contains 102.4-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9213
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-16 End Date1992-08-16
Agliano 16/8/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at the registrazione a Agliano audio tape 2 of 2. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
This is the same Maggio text and company as LB2-AT9205, here performing on home territory (Agliano, a small village near Gramolazzo in the upper Garfagnana, is the home village of the company's leading lady, Iole Paladini). Note they did extra arietta at end especially for the Agliano audience. It was a nice venue, but sword fights suffered from slippery surface.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-102.2. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 102.4-151.5 (side A) and 152.1-end (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9214
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-23 End Date1992-08-23
Varliano (Giuncugnano) 23/8/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at the registrazione a Varliano audio tape 1 of 2.
The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities. Two extra ariette at end added.
This is the same Maggio text and company as LB2-AT9205 and LB2-AT9213. Some wind noise with the audio recording - it was impossible to reach the mike during the performance to mute it.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-48 (side A) and 49-91 (side B). Tape 2 contains 97.4-end. There are also video files to go with the recording.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9215
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-23 End Date1992-08-23
Varliano (Giuncugnano) 23/8/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at the registrazione a Varliano audio tape 2 of 2.
The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities. Two extra ariette at end added.
This is the same Maggio text and company as LB2-AT9205 and LB2-AT9213. There was no tripod, so LB was helped with videoing by Odelio Tognacchi, old guy from Forte dei Marmi, who had some fairly odd ideas of framing; also lots of wobbles in the picture. Some wind noise with the audio recording - it was impossible to reach the mike during the performance to mute it.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-91. Tape 2 contains 97.4-143.5 (side A) and 144.2-end (side B). There are also video files to go with the recording.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9216
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-25 End Date1992-08-25
Roccalberti 25/8/92 Maggio singing lessons by Giuliano Grandini, where he demonstrates sacra rappresentazione melody and various singing styles. LB and GG also sing various strophes from 'Il Principe Cieco' and 'Promassi sposi' (Side B blank)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9217
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-26 End Date1992-08-26
Audio dubs with Gastone Venturelli Sassi Eglio.
1. st 22-23 'Miro e Meri' (22+27 stanza maggio: 2B sestina) Venturelli tape Y80 14/5/78
2. Venturelli tape 3 25/9/63 Magherita Berlozzi Giannetti 1908-1984 'La conquista della corona Antona'
3. st 31-32, 39 Bradamante Re Amansore 13/8/82 T443 a Gragnola ms 18A cont.
4. T598 quaiture di endecasillabi, st 42-43 'Giulietta e Romeo'
Side A only 10min no side B.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9218
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-28 End Date1992-08-28
Piazza al Serchio 28/8/92 Maggio 'Leonildo e Irene' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at registrazione a Piazza al Serchio audio tape 1 of 2.
Performances from booklet quartine. This is a night performance and is good for comparison of quintine and quartine forms; also good gestures from Piacentini as Pastore (replaced Fontanini as Arcario in Metra performance of Re Eronte - 6/8/92) particularly with Fontanini (Giliante) in penultimate scene. Some singers get to do ottave and ariette in this maggio who didn't in Eronte and it should be a good audio recording of the musicians as microphone was near them.
Audio tape 1 contains stanzas 1-53.2 (side A) and 53.4-99 (side B). Audio tape 2 contains stanzas 100.2-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9219
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-28 End Date1992-08-28
Piazza al Serchio 28/8/92 Maggio 'Leonildo e Irene' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at registrazione a Piazza al Serchio audio tape 2 of 2.
Performances from booklet quartine. This is a night performance and is good for comparison of quintine and quartine forms; also good gestures from Piacentini as Pastore (replaced Fontanini as Arcario in Metra performance of Re Eronte - 6/8/92) particularly with Fontanini (Giliante) in penultimate scene. Some singers get to do ottave and ariette in this maggio who didn't in Eronte and it should be a good audio recording of the musicians as microphone was near them.
Audio tape 1 contains stanzas 1-99. Audio tape 2 contains stanzas 100.2-145 (side A) and 146.1-end (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9220
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-05 End Date1998-07-05
Antisciana 5/7/98 Maggio 'Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni' by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico. Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni, secondo il testo adottato dai Maggianti di Filicaia-Gragnanella (LU) IIa ed. a cura di Venturelli CTP Lucca 70, 1982.
Tape VT9801 contains stanzas 1-58. Tape VT9802 contains stanzas 59.3-100.2 and 101-130. VT9803 contains stanzas 131.3-195. Sosta between 117&118.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9802
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-05 End Date1998-07-05
Antisciana 5/7/98 Maggio 'Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni' by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico. Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni, secondo il testo adottato dai Maggianti di Filicaia-Gragnanella (LU) IIa ed. a cura di Venturelli CTP Lucca 70, 1982.
Tape VT9801 contains stanzas 1-58. Tape VT9802 contains stanzas 59.3-100.2 and 101-130. VT9803 contains stanzas 131.3-195. Sosta between 117&118.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9801
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-05 End Date1998-07-05
Antisciana 5/7/98 Maggio 'Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni' by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico. Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni, secondo il testo adottato dai Maggianti di Filicaia-Gragnanella (LU) IIa ed. a cura di Venturelli CTP Lucca 70, 1982.
Tape VT9801 contains stanzas 1-58. Tape VT9802 contains stanzas 59.3-100.2 and 101-130. VT9803 contains stanzas 131.3-195. Sosta between 117&118.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9803
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-12 End Date1998-07-12
Viano (Emilia-Romagna) 12/7/98 Maggio ' La guerra di Troia' - ridotta. by compagnia di Gorfigliano video tape 1 of 2. Guerra di Troia, La, di Mario Pellegrinotti, secondo il testo rielaborato e adottato dai maggianti di Gorfigliano (LU), a cura di Gastone Venturelli, CTP Lucca 88, 1983. Reduced version, with some stanzas removed and others inserted, given to Linda Barwick by Amilcare Paladini 13/7/98. St. 1-185.1 (original numbering) (p.10 of reduced text)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9804
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-12 End Date1998-07-12
Viano (Emilia-Romagna) 12/7/98 Maggio ' La guerra di Troia' by compagnia di Gorfigliano video tape 1 of 2. Guerra di Troia, La, di Mario Pellegrinotti, secondo il testo rielaborato e adottato dai maggianti di Gorfigliano (LU), a cura di Gastone Venturelli, CTP Lucca 88, 1983. Reduced version, with some stanzas removed and others inserted, given to Linda Barwick by Amilcare Paladini 13/7/98. St. 198.2 (original numbering)(p.11 of reduced text)- end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9805
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-04 End Date1993-07-04
Piazza al Serchio 4/7/93 Maggio 'La Vendetta di Fidalma' compagnia di Piazza al Serchio audio tape 1 of 3. Vendetta di Fidalma is found in the Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 7.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-54 (side A) and 55-105 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 106-201. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 202-212.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9306
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-04 End Date1993-07-04
Piazza al Serchio 4/7/93 Maggio 'La Vendetta di Fidalma' compagnia di Piazza al Serchio audio tape 2 of 3. Vendetta di Fidalma is found in the Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 7.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-105. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 106-156 (side A) and Stanzas 157-201 (side A). Tape 3 contains Stanzas 202-212.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9307
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-04 End Date1993-07-04
Piazza al Serchio 4/7/93 Maggio 'La Vendetta di Fidalma' compagnia di Piazza al Serchio audio tape 3 of 3. Vendetta di Fidalma is found in the Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 7.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-105. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 106-201. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 202-212 (side A).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9308
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-07 End Date1993-07-07
1993 dubs from Venturelli's collection of performances by the compagnia Limano
9/9/1979 'La casta Susanna' Tapes 181B-182A. Stanzas 8, 9, 19, 38, 49, 53, 83
29/6/80 'Giulietta e Romeo' Tapes 217-218. Stanzas 1, 4, 81, 228-230.
21/7/81 'Cavalleria Rusticana' Tapes 284-285. Stanzas 9, 10, 69, 70, 77, 78
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9309
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-11 End Date1993-07-11
Gragnanella 11/7/93 Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 1 of 2.
The maggio is Romolo e Remo di Giuliano Grandini (text a cura di Piergiorgio Lenzi CTP Lucca quaderno 116). Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-39 (side A) and 40-90 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 100-133
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9310
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-11 End Date1993-07-11
Gragnanella 11/7/93 Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 2 of 2.
The maggio is Romolo e Remo di Giuliano Grandini (text a cura di Piergiorgio Lenzi CTP Lucca quaderno 116). Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-90. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 100-133 (side A).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9311
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Maggio "Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta" as performed by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio (LU) in Varliano (Giuncugnano), DA tape 1 of 2. The recording starts from the second line of the first stanza of the script and continues through to the fourth line of the 105th stanza.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9601
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Maggio "Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta" as performed by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio (LU) in Varliano (Giuncugnano), DA tape 2 of 2. The recording starts from the second line of the first stanza of the script and continues through to the fourth line of the 105th stanza.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9602
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Maggio "Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta" as performed by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio (LU) in Varliano (Giuncugnano), audio tape 1 of 3. The recording starts from the second line of the first stanza of the script and continues through to the fourth line of the 105th stanza.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 3.5-59 (side A) and 60.1-112.3 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 114.3-234.1. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 234.3-240 (Stanza 239 is omitted).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9601
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Maggio "Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta" as performed by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio (LU) in Varliano (Giuncugnano), audio tape 1 of 3. The recording starts from the second line of the first stanza of the script and continues through to the fourth line of the 105th stanza.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 3.5-112.3. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 114.3-173 (side A) and 176.3-234.1 (side B). Tape 3 contains Stanzas 234.3-240 (Stanza 239 is omitted).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9602A
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Maggio "Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta" as performed by the compagnia di Piazza al Serchio (LU) in Varliano (Giuncugnano), audio tape 3 of 3. The recording starts from the second line of the first stanza of the script and continues through to the fourth line of the 105th stanza.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 3.5-112.3. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 114.3-234.1. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 234.3-240 (Stanza 239 is omitted).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9602B
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Casciana 4/8/1996 Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-59.2 (side A) and 60.3-86 (side B). Stanzas 25.4 and 26 are missing. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 87.5-170.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9603
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Casciana 4/8/1996 Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo' compagnia Acqua Bianca audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-86. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 87.5-144.3 (side A) and 145-170 (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9604
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-10 End Date1996-08-10
Motrone 10/8/1996 Maggio 'Santa Flavia' by compagnia di Partigliano audio tape 1 of 1.
Also contains some items from gruppo folclorico 'Bel Castello' directed by Pietrolino Grandini.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9605
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-11 End Date1996-08-11
Gorfigliano 11/8/96 Maggio 'La guerra di Troia' by compagnia Gorfigliano audio tape 1 of 2.
There is also Maggi playing fisarmonica before performance.
Tape 1 contains most Stanzas. Tape 2 contains the last few Stanzas.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9606
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-11 End Date1996-08-11
Gorfigliano 11/8/96 Maggio 'La guerra di Troia' by compagnia Gorfigliano audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains most Stanzas. Tape 2 contains the last few Stanzas.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9607
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-16 End Date1996-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/96 Maggio 'le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' by compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 1 of 3.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-55 (side A) and 56-107 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 108-224. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 225-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9608
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-16 End Date1996-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/96 Maggio 'le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' by compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 2 of 3.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-107. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 108-167 (side A) and 168-224 (side B). Tape 3 contains Stanzas 225-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9609
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-16 End Date1996-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/96 Maggio 'le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' by compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 3 of 3.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-107. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 108-224. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 225-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9610
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Varliano 18/8/96 Maggio 'La regina della Dacia' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-44.2 (side A) and 45.3-92.2 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 93.3-169.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9611
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-18 End Date1996-08-18
Varliano 18/8/96 Maggio 'La regina della Dacia' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-92.2. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 93.3-144.2 (side A) and 144.4-169 (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9612
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-25 End Date1996-08-25
Vallico di Sopra 25/8/96 Maggio 'La Pia de' Tolomei' performed by compagnia Piano di Coreglia-Fabbriche di Vallico audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 19.3-91.1 (side A) and 91.3-134 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 135.2-152.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9613
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-25 End Date1996-08-25
Vallico di Sopra 25/8/96 Maggio 'La Pia de' Tolomei' performed by compagnia Piano di Coreglia-Fabbriche di Vallico audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 19.3-91.1 (side A) and 91.3-134 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 135.2-152.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9614
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-09-01 End Date1996-09-01
Sant'Anastasio 1/9/96
Soundscapes of the town on a Sunday morning, including church bells. Only about 10 minutes in total.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9615
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-30 End Date1995-07-30
Gragnanella 30/7/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca DA tape 1 of 2. The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-67 and 73.2-126.6. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 127-158.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9501
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-30 End Date1995-07-30
Gragnanella 30/7/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca DA tape 2 of 2. The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-126.6. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 127-159. The second part to this tape is item LB2-VT9502B.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9502A
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-01 End Date1995-08-01
Casciana 1/8/95 Recordings of various Stanzas from Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by Ada Nobili, et. al.
Contains Stazas: 85, 43, 46 x3, 4 x2, 27 x2, 43, 46, 35, 37, 105, 108 x2, 155, 33, 34, 35, 36.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9502B
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Varliano 6/8/95 Maggio 'La figlia del Sultano' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico, DA tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-97. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 98-142.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9503
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Varliano 6/8/95 Maggio 'La figlia del Sultano' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico, DA tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-97. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 98-142. This tape also contains part of LB2-DT9504B.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9504A
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Casciana 6/8/95 Recordings of various Stanzas from Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by Ada Nobili, et. al.
Contains Stanzas: 1-69.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9504B
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-11 End Date1995-08-11
Metra 11/8/95 Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone' (Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 9) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, DA tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-70 and 71.3-128. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 129.3-180.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9505
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-11 End Date1995-08-11
Metra 11/8/95 Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone' (Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 9) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, DA tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-70 and 71.3-128. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 129.3-180.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9506
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-13 End Date1995-08-13
Magliano 13/8/95 Various Stanzas by compagnia Asta. These are mainly from Otello, but laso from Orlando Furioso and Tuscan ottave.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9507
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-16 End Date1995-08-16
Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone', performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio at Ugliancaldo 16/8/1995. Each year, for the holiday of Ferragosto (Pentecost), a maggio performance was commissioned in the picturesque village of Ugliancaldo, which lies on the watershed of the Garfagnana valley, near the border of the Provincia di Massa. There is usually a large audience, and the Piazza al Serchio company includes a number of members from the nearby villages of Regnano and Pieve San Lorenzo.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-35.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9508
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-20 End Date1995-08-20
Piazza al Serchio 20/8/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' compagnia Acqua Bianca DA tape 1 of 2. This is the same company and text as LB2-DT9501, but here they are performing in their home village.
The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-69. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 70-128 and 129.3-158.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9509
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-20 End Date1995-08-20
Piazza al Serchio 20/8/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' compagnia Acqua Bianca DA tape 2 of 2. This is the same company and text as LB2-DT9501, but here they are performing in their home village.
The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-69. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 70-128 and 129.3-158.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9510
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-30 End Date1995-07-30
Gragnanella 30/7/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca DA tape 1 of 2. The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-50 (side A) and 51-69 & 70.2-95 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 96-158.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9503
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-30 End Date1995-07-30
Gragnanella 30/7/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca DA tape 2 of 2. The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-95. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 96-139 (side A) and 140.2-158 (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9504
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Varliano 6/8/95 Maggio 'La figlia del Sultano' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico, audio tape 1 of 2. The tape starts with Lenzi speech.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-37 (side A) and 42.3-94 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 95-142.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9505
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Varliano 6/8/95 Maggio 'La figlia del Sultano' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico, audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-94. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 95-137.1 (side A) and 137.2-142 (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9506
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca in Casciana 6/8/95, audio tape 1 of 2. The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 15.3-63.3 (side A) and 64-106 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 107.3-158.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9507
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca in Casciana 6/8/95, audio tape 2 of 2. The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 15.3-106. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 107.3-150 (side A) and 151-158 (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9508
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-11 End Date1995-08-11
Metra 11/8/95 Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone' (Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 9) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-52 (side A) and 53-103 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 104-180.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9509
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-11 End Date1995-08-11
Metra 11/8/95 Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone' (Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 9) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-103. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 104-157.3 (side A) and 163.3-180 (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9510
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-20 End Date1995-08-20
Piazza al Serchio 20/8/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' compagnia Acqua Bianca audio tape 1 of 2. This is the same company and text as LB2-AT9503, but here they are performing in their home village.
The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-50 (side A) and 51-96 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 97.1-158.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9511
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-20 End Date1995-08-20
Piazza al Serchio 20/8/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' compagnia Acqua Bianca audio tape 2 of 2. This is the same company and text as LB2-AT9504, but here they are performing in their home village.
The Acqua Bianca company included a number of performers who had previously performed with the companies of Gorfigliano and Piazza al Serchio. The name of the company refers to a particular stretch of the River Serchio in the lower part of the town of Piazza al Serchio, and this is where the company's director, Andrea Bertei, resided.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-96. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 97.1-142 (side A) and 143-158 (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9512
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1956-01-01 End Date1956-01-01
Recordings from Cogna 1956-1957 'Canti e musica registrati' from Giuseppe Rossi, tape 1 of 2
Message on inside of slip (text of maggio ottava written by Rossi and sung on the tape): "Consegno alla Patrizia in grande fretta / quel che mi chiese prima di partire / si tratta di quella vecchia cassetta / che spero presto la potrà sentire / son certo cara Linda che l'aspetta / e tante cose Lei potrà gradire / La ricorderò sempre con piacere / sperando un dì poterla rivedere''.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9513
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2013-11-19 End Date2013-11-19
Canti del Maggio 1956-1957 from Giuseppi Rossi, tape 2 of 2
Side A only
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9514
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-11-04 End Date1995-11-04
Molinello 4/11/95 Maggio singing by Pedri family. Recorded by Patrizia Bartolomei and given to Linda Barwick
Cantano: Pio Pedri, Amerigo Pedri, Ada Bartolomei and Patrizia Bartolomei
[Video can be found at: ]
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9515
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
"Sacra rappresentazione della Nativitá e della strage degli innocenti" performed by Compagnia di Gragnanella at Gragnanella on 1/1/94. Sacra rappresentazione della nativita' e della strage degli innocenti (La Befana) secondo la nuova redazione adottata dai cantori di Gragnanella per le rappresentazioni del 1980, a cura di Gastone Venturelli, CTP Lucca 18, 1980.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT9401
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-01-01 End Date1994-01-01
"Sacra rappresentazione della Nativitá e della strage degli innocenti" performed by Compagnia di Gragnanella at Gragnanella on 1/1/94. Sacra rappresentazione della nativita' e della strage degli innocenti (La Befana) secondo la nuova redazione adottata dai cantori di Gragnanella per le rappresentazioni del 1980, a cura di Gastone Venturelli, CTP Lucca 18, 1980.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9401
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-03 End Date1994-07-03
Piazza al Serchio 3/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 3.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-85.2. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 91.2-133.3. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 146-152.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9402
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-03 End Date1994-07-03
Piazza al Serchio 3/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 3 of 3.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-85.2. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 91.2-133.3. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 146-152.
(side b blank)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9404
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-03 End Date1994-07-03
Piazza al Serchio 3/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 3.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-85.2. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 91.2-133.3. Tape 3 contains Stanzas 146-152.
(side b blank)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9403
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-05 End Date1994-07-05
Petrognano 5/7/94. This tape contains old maggio tunes and other fisarmonica performed by Ugo Bartolomei.
(side b blank)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9405
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-10 End Date1994-07-10
Gragnanella 10/7/94 Maggio 'Costantino il Grande' performed by compagnia Partigliano, audio tape 1 of 2.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9406
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-10 End Date1994-07-10
LB2-AT9407 Gragnanella 10/7/94 Maggio 'Costantino il Grande' performed by compagnia Partigliano, audio tape 2 of 2.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9407
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-12 End Date1994-07-12
Piazza Bassa 12/7/94 Cantastorie songs and maggio melodies sung by Andrea Bertei accompanied by Ugo Bartolomei. Recorded at the house of Andrea Bertei.
Canta: Andrea Bertei
Fisarmonica: Ugo Bartolomei
Present: Patrizia Bartolomei, Nellita Bertei, Linda Barwick, Allan Marett, figli Bertei
Side A:
1. La Giulia (storia)
2. Fatto di Cronaca nera (storia)
3. La Giulia
4. La Miniera
5. Il campanaro della valle
6. Campane di monte nevoso vaire, incl. 'Terra straniera'
7. Maggio tunes - Andrea sings from 'Bovo d'Antona'
Side B:
Emilian ottave
1) 'La guerra di Troia' (st. 201)
2) Achenone (st. 306)
3) Ponte dei sospiri (st. 21)
4) arietta
5) ottava toscana written by Andrea for mother
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9408
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-17 End Date1994-07-17
Gragnanella 17/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' by Giuseppe Coltelli performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9409
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-17 End Date1994-07-17
Gragnanella 17/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' by Giuseppe Coltelli performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 2.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9410
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-24 End Date1994-07-24
Pugliano 24/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-47 (side A) and 48-87 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 88-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9411
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-24 End Date1994-07-24
Pugliano 24/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-47 (side A) and 48-87 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 88-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9412
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-07-31 End Date1994-07-31
San Pellegrino in Alpe 31/7/94 Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' by Giulliano Grandini performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 1 of 1. This was a shortened performance.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9413
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-07 End Date1994-08-07
Eremo di Calomini 7/8/94 Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' by Giulliano Grandini performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 1 of 1.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9414
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-09 End Date1994-08-09
Metra 9/8/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2. This is a night time performance.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-44 (side A) and 47-73 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 74-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9415
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-09 End Date1994-08-09
Metra 9/8/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 2. This is a night time performance.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-73. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 74-116 (side A) and 117-end (side B). The first syllable of 117 is missing.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9416
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-11 End Date1994-08-11
Borsigliana 11/8/94 'Messa Antica' an old Garfagnino mass in Latin performed Don Bruno Pedri and others.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9417
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-13 End Date1994-08-13
Livignano 13/8/94 various maggio melodies, canzonette and stornelli performed by Mario Ferri, Giulio Pedri. Ugo Bartolomei plays canti da ballo on the fisarmonica.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9418
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-14 End Date1994-08-14
Viano (MS) 14/8/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-46 (side A) and 47-86 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 87-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9419
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-14 End Date1994-08-14
Viano (MS) 14/8/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-86. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 87-130.2 (side A) and 130.3-end (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9420
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-15 End Date1994-08-15
Costabono (RE) 15/8/94 Maggio 'Spartaco' by Romolio Fioroni performed by compagnia di Costabona, audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 12.3-90 (side A) and 91-157 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 158-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9421
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-15 End Date1994-08-15
Costabono (RE) 15/8/94 Maggio 'Spartaco' by Romolio Fioroni performed by compagnia di Costabona, audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 12.3-157. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 158-end.
(side b blank)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9422
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-16 End Date1994-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/1995 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-73. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 74-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9423
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-16 End Date1994-08-16
Ugliancaldo 16/8/1995 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-73. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 74-117.2 (side A) and 117.3-end (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9424
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-18 End Date1994-08-18
Borsigliana 18/8/94 'Messa Antica' an old Garfagnino mass in Latin performed Don Bruno Pedri, Corinno Magistrelli, Giulio Pedri, Delfo Pedri Riziei Benelli.
(side b blank)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9425
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-19 End Date1994-08-19
Piazza al Serchio 19/8/94. Recordings of a rehearsal for stornelli and other songs for singing to visiting Hungarians (twin town visitors). Performed by Andrea Bertei (singing), Maurisio Crudeli (guitar) and others.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9426
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-21 End Date1994-08-21
Varliano 21/8/94 Maggio 'Re Alfonso d'Estonia' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico, audio tape 1 of 2.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9427
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-21 End Date1994-08-21
Varliano 21/8/94 Maggio 'Re Alfonso d'Estonia' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico, audio tape 2 of 2.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9428
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-25 End Date1994-08-25
Petrognano 25/8/94 Ultimo Bertei sings and discusses sings and discusses a few stanzas of Maggio di Fioravante and storia di Teresina e Eugenio. He also discusses Nel paese di Santa Teresa (continued onto side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9429
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-26 End Date1994-08-26
Piazza Bassa 26/8/94 Singing session (including stornelli) with Andrea Bertei and his family, with Patrizia Bartolomei
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9430
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-28 End Date1994-08-28
Forno (MS) 28/8/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-43 (side A) and 44-83 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 84-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9431
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-28 End Date1994-08-28
Forno (MS) 28/8/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' rielaborato da Giuseppe Coltelli (testo Comune di Piazza al Serchio quaderno 8) performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio, audio tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-83. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 84-131 (side A) and 132-end (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9432
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2000-07-30 End Date2000-07-30
Gragnanella 30/7/00 Maggio 'Costantino Imperatore Greco' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico DT tape 1 of 1.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT0002
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2000-08-07 End Date2000-08-07
Gorfigliano 7/8/00 Maggio 'La Pia e Nello della Pietra' by Luigi Dal Bozzo performed by compagnia Gorfigliano DT tape 1 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-68. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 69-118.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT0003
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2000-08-07 End Date2000-08-07
Gorfigliano 7/8/00 Maggio 'La Pia e Nello della Pietra' by Luigi Dal Bozzo performed by compagnia Gorfigliano DT tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 1-68. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 69-118.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT0004
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2000-08-12 End Date2000-08-12
Two sessions:
Gramolazzo 12/8/00 'Bambini di Gramolazzo canotano l'ottava
Casatico 13/8/00 Maggio 'La Pricipessa Ribellla' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico. Contains Stanzas 4?-95. Stanzas 96-end are found on LB2-DT0006.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT0005
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2000-08-13 End Date2000-08-13
Casatico 13/8/00 'La Principessa Ribella' performed by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico DT tape 2 of 2.
Tape 1 contains Stanzas 4?-95. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 96-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-DT0006
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-05 End Date1998-07-05
Antisciana 5/7/98 Maggio 'Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni' by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico. Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni, secondo il testo adottato dai Maggianti di Filicaia-Gragnanella (LU) IIa ed. a cura di Venturelli CTP Lucca 70, 1982.
Tape 1 contains the procession, a speech by Lenzi and Stanzas 1-48.1 (side A) and 48.3-106.2 (side B). Tape 2 contains Stanzas 106.3-end.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9801
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-05 End Date1998-07-05
Antisciana 5/7/98 Maggio 'Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni' by compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico. Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni, secondo il testo adottato dai Maggianti di Filicaia-Gragnanella (LU) IIa ed. a cura di Venturelli CTP Lucca 70, 1982.
Tape 1 contains the procession, a speech by Lenzi and Stanzas 1-106.2. Tape 2 contains Stanzas 106.3-160 (side A) and 161-end (side B).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9802
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-12 End Date1998-07-12
Viano (MS) 12/7/98 Maggio 'La guerra di Troia' by compagnia di Gorfigliano audio tape 1 of 2. Guerra di Troia, La, di Mario Pellegrinotti, secondo il testo rielaborato e adottato dai maggianti di Gorfigliano (LU), a cura di Gastone Venturelli, CTP Lucca 88, 1983.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9803
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1998-07-12 End Date1998-07-12
Viano (MS) 12/7/98 Maggio 'La guerra di Troia' by compagnia di Gorfigliano audio tape 2 of 2. Guerra di Troia, La, di Mario Pellegrinotti, secondo il testo rielaborato e adottato dai maggianti di Gorfigliano (LU), a cura di Gastone Venturelli, CTP Lucca 88, 1983.
One tape side only.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-AT9804
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-19 End Date1992-07-19
Gragnanella 19/7/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at Gragnanella, video tape 2 of 3. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Video recordings on video tapes VT9707-VT9709 (Sony Hi-8); audio recordings on AT9205-AT9206.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9208
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-19 End Date1992-07-19
Gragnanella 19/7/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at Gragnanella, video tape 3 of 3. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Video recordings on video tapes VT9707-VT9709 (Sony Hi-8); audio recordings on AT9205-AT9206.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9209
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-26 End Date1992-07-26
Maggio 'Pia de' Tolomei' (stanzas 1-116), performed by compagnia di Pieve di Compito at Gragnanella (LU) 26/7/1992, video tape 1 of 2. The Pieve di Compito company, which is based in a small town near Lucca, the provincial capital, has quite a different performance style from the Garfagnino companies that usually perform at Gragnanella. This performance was part of the series sponsored each year by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The Maggio Pia de' Tolomei is one of the most famous maggio stories - see Barwick, L. (2005). 'An Ample and Very Poetical Narrative': The Vicissitudes of 'La Pia' between the Literary and Oral Traditions. In M. Baker, F. Coassin & D. Glenn (Eds.), Flinders Dante Conferences, 2002 & 2004 (pp. 77-101). Adelaide: Lythrum Press.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9210
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-26 End Date1992-07-26
Maggio 'Pia de' Tolomei' (stanzas 117-191), performed by compagnia di Pieve di Compito at Gragnanella (LU) 26/7/1992, video tape 2 of 2. The Pieve di Compito company, which is based in a small town near Lucca, the provincial capital, has quite a different performance style from the Garfagnino companies that usually perform at Gragnanella. This performance was part of the series sponsored each year by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The Maggio Pia de' Tolomei is one of the most famous maggio stories - see Barwick, L. (2005). 'An Ample and Very Poetical Narrative': The Vicissitudes of 'La Pia' between the Literary and Oral Traditions. In M. Baker, F. Coassin & D. Glenn (Eds.), Flinders Dante Conferences, 2002 & 2004 (pp. 77-101). Adelaide: Lythrum Press.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9211
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-02 End Date1992-08-02
Gragnanella 2/8/92 Maggio 'Licia la schiava di Roma' (stanzas 1-49) performed by compagnia di Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at Gragnanella, video 1 of 2. The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by company member Giuliano Grandini, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes.
Video recordings on video tapes VT9212-14; audio recordings on audio tapes LB2-AT9208 and LB2-AT9209.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9212
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-02 End Date1992-08-02
Gragnanella 2/8/92 Maggio 'Licia la schiava di Roma' (stanzas 50-98) performed by compagnia di Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at Gragnanella, video 2 of 3. The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by company member Giuliano Grandini, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes.
Video recordings on video tapes VT9212-14; audio recordings on audio tapes LB2-AT9208 and LB2-AT9209.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9213
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-02 End Date1992-08-02
Gragnanella 2/8/92 Maggio 'Licia la schiava di Roma' (stanzas 99-145) performed by compagnia di Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at Gragnanella, video 3 of 3. The Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, led by Piergiorgio Lenzi, draws its members from a number of small villages on the western bank of the Serchio River above Castelnuovo Garfagnana, including Gragnanella, the main performance venue for the annual series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The leader of the company, Piergiorgio Lenzi, acts as prompt and also delivers a speech before most performances. The Maggio text performed on this occasion "Licia la schiava di Roma" (Licia the Roman Slave) was written by company member Giuliano Grandini, and is one of a small number of currently performed Maggio texts with classical rather than chivalrous themes.
Video recordings on video tapes VT9212-14; audio recordings on audio tapes LB2-AT9208 and LB2-AT9209.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9214
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-08 End Date1992-08-08
Mugnano 8/8/92, Zingaresca "Bardone e Linchietto" di Marco Nicolosi (stanzas 1-262, line 2; missed last 2 lines of performance), performed by compagnia di Pieve di Compito, video tape 1 of 1 at Mugnano (frazione di Lucca), 8/8/92.
Matching audio on LB2-AT9210.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9216
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-08-20 End Date1995-08-20
Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' performed by compagnia Acqua Bianca at UNRRA (near Piazza al Serchio), 20/8/95, tape 2 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9517
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1995-07-01 End Date1995-07-01
Various scenes at Piazza al Serchio, July-August 1995 including:
26:35 1. 12/8/1995 procession by Piazza al Serchio brass band, and some dancing by dance group at Piazza al Serchio
36:12 2. 14/8/1995 dancing at Fabio Ceccarelli concert, Casciana, including the 'Meneghito' type of line dance
1:16:58 - audio recording - Limano?
1:21:18 3. 20/8/1995 ottave sung at dinner with Acqua Bianca group at Piazza al Serchio
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9518
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-06 End Date1992-08-06
Maggio 'Re Eronte' performed by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at Metra (LU), 6 August 1992, video tape 1 of 1. Night performance (under lights), incomplete recording, omitted some sections without Arcario, Ernesto or Nildo (played by different people). Only up to st 12 in SP mode, then LP since only 1 tape available. NB Date and Time ID wrong at beginning of tape (on Sydney rather than Italian time).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9215
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-05 End Date1992-07-05
5/7/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio. video tape 1 of 3. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9201
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-05 End Date1992-07-05
5/7/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio. video tape 2 of 3. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9202
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-05 End Date1992-07-05
5/7/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio. video tape 3 of 3. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9203
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-12 End Date1992-07-12
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9204
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-12 End Date1992-07-12
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9205
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-12 End Date1992-07-12
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9206
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-07-19 End Date1992-07-19
Gragnanella 19/7/92 Maggio 'Re Eronte' by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio at Gragnanella, video tape 1 of 3. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Video recordings on video tapes VT9707-VT9709 (Sony Hi-8); audio recordings on AT9205-AT9206.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9207
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-09 End Date1992-08-09
Tape 1 of 3, including speeches from Prof. Angelini - PG Lenzi
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9217
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-09 End Date1992-08-09
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9218
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-09 End Date1992-08-09
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9219
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-16 End Date1992-08-16
Agliano, 16 August 1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, "Re Eronte", Tape 1 of 3
context plus st. 1-60
see also VHS backup VT9220_21_22
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9220
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-16 End Date1992-08-16
Agliano, 16 August 1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Re Eronte", tape 2 of 3 (faulty transfer, truncated)
original Hi8 unable to be successfully transferred when digitised in 2016.
st 61.3-116
For full contents see backup VHS dub VT9220_21_22
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9221
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-16 End Date1992-08-16
Agliano, 16 August 1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Re Eronte", tape 3 of 3 - st. 117-125, 126.2-end (lost part of 126.1 due to battery change)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9222
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-23 End Date1992-08-23
Varliano, 23 August 1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Re Eronte"
Tape 1 of 3 - st 1-58 (plus stornelli singing at beginning by Odelio Tognocchi)
See also VHS backup at VT9223_24_25
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9223
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-23 End Date1992-08-23
Varliano, 23 August 1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Re Eronte" tape 2 of 3
faulty transfer, truncated. Original Hi8 contained st 59.3-120 (st. 90.1-2 missing due to battery change)
For complete contents see digitisation from VHS backup (created 1992) VT9223_24_25
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9224
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-23 End Date1992-08-23
Varliano, 23 August 1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Re Eronte", tape 3 of 3
- st. 124.3-157 (end)
See also VHS backup at VT9223_24_25
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9225
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-28 End Date1992-08-28
Piazza Bassa 28/8/1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Leonildo e Irene", Tape 1 of 3 (transfer error, truncated)
This Hi8 tape was unable to be transferred properly when digitised in 2015. It was supposed to contain VT9226 - st. 1-66 plus fraction of 128.3 (change tape error).
For full contents see VHS dub at VT9226_27_28
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9226
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-28 End Date1992-08-28
Piazza Bassa 28/8/1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Leonildo e Irene", Tape 2 of 3
st. 167.3-127
see also VHS dub VT9226_27_28
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9227
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1992-08-28 End Date1992-08-28
Piazza Bassa, 28/8/1992, Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "Leonildo e Irene", Tape 3 of 3. - st 129.3-end (missed 146.7 due to battery change)
See also VHS dub VT9226_27_28.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9228
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-04 End Date1993-07-04
Piazza al Serchio, 4/7/1993, compagnia Piazza al Serchio, Maggio "La Vendetta di Fidalma", tape 2 of 2. , st 109-212 (end)
See also VHS dub of this performance in LB2-VT9310_11
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9311
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-11 End Date1993-07-11
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9312
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-11 End Date1993-07-11
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9313
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude-32.07055 Longitude115.792 Start Date1995-03-23 End Date1995-03-23
1. Fremantle - 'Italian Connection' Trade Fair: Ugo Bartolomei (piano accordion) and Rolando Akkari (guitar); some footage of Val D'Akragas dance troupe from Agrigento.
2. Hamilton Hill: Delia and Janet Bartolomei - old film of Maggio from 1969 (very brief)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9501
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude15.28665 Longitude121.16 Start Date1995-05-01 End Date1995-05-01
Zarzuela "Virgille Prospero", written and produced by Lorenzo Mata, San Vicente Historical and Cultural Society. Begins with some songs to attract a crowd; Zarzuela begins about half and hour in. Tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9505
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2015-06-17 End Date2015-06-17
A range of notes and documentation relating to LB2 Collection, including:
- Scanned or typed up copies of field notebook entries
- Summaries of recordings
- Calendars of performances
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-fieldnotes
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-06-28 End Date1993-06-28
Piazza al Serchio, 28/6/93, procession and band
July 93 context recording, including Gramolazzo
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9309
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-04 End Date1993-07-04
Piazza al Serchio, 4/7/93 - compagnia Piazza al Serchio Maggio "La Vendetta di Fidalma", 4 July 1993, tape 1 of 2 (incomplete transfer)
st 1-108
Due to damage to the original Hi8 tape, a complete transfer could not be obtained in 2016. For a complete performance see VHS dub LB2-VT9310_11 (copy made in 1993).
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9310
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-07 End Date1994-08-07
Partigliano (Guzzanello) - “Costantino il Grande” by Partigliano company (part)
Acts 1- 2
1 of 1
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9413
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-07 End Date1994-08-07
AT94/14 audio recording (some missed); VT94/14 (partial recording by me starting 46 mins from end); photo negs 2192
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9414
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-07 End Date1994-08-07
VT94/14SH (complete recording by Allan)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9414_SH
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-09 End Date1994-08-09
VT94/15 1-111
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9415
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-09 End Date1994-08-09
Metra (LU) Maggio 'Re Filippo d’Egitto' by Piazza al Serchio company, 9/8/94, tape 2 of 2 VT94/16 112.4 – end
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9416
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-14 End Date1994-08-14
Viano (MS) - “Re Filippo d’Egitto”, compagnia Piazza al Serchio 14/8/94, VT94/17 st. 1-73 - tape 1 of 2
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9417
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-14 End Date1994-08-14
VT94/18 st. 74-end - plus Attaccabanda singing at interval
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9418
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-15 End Date1994-08-15
VT94/19 st. 10-end (also few stanzas filmed by Bee and Lucy)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9419
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-16 End Date1994-08-16
VT94/20 1-73 (Sony operated by Allan, doing long shots)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9420
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-16 End Date1994-08-16
VT94/20SH 1-73 (closeups)
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9420_SH
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-16 End Date1994-08-16
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9421
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-16 End Date1994-08-16
VT94/21 SH 74-end
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9421_SH
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1994-08-17 End Date1994-08-17
Bambini della scuola elemntare
"Pinocchio" di Luigi Casotti & book launch
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-VT9422
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude43.9875 Longitude10.4461 Start Date1994-07-03 End Date1994-07-03
Photos of Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto', performed by compagnia Piazza al Serchio at Piazza al Serchio on July 3 1994.
Photos mostly taken by Linda Barwick, with three of the photos taken by Ken Bolton.
Immagini del Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto', rappresentato dalla compagnia Piazza al Serchio a Piazza al Serchio, 3 luglio 1994.
Foto scattate da Linda Barwick, eccetto tre scattate da Ken Bolton.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-94PIX01
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.20925 Longitude10.2521 Start Date1995-08-06 End Date1995-08-06
Photographs of the Maggio 'La figlia del sultano' performed by the Compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico at Varliano (Giuncugnano, provincia di Lucca), 6/8/95. Varliano was the usual venue for Maggio performances held in August in the Rassegna (series) organised by the Provincia di Lucca.
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-95PIX04
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date2017-08-25 End Date2017-08-25
Photographs of Maggio 'La Vendetta di Fidalma', Piazza al Serchio company at Piazza al Serchio, 4/7/93
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-93PIX01
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1993-07-11 End Date1993-07-11
Photographs of Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' rappresentato dalla compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico a Gragnanella, 11/7/93
- note images 11-25 are of Piazza al Serchio company, probably the 1994 performance of Re Filippo d'Egitto at Gragnanella 17/7/1994 (LB2-94PIX03); note that corresponding images from 93PIX02 have been uploaded to that item - in process of correction - LB 17/6/2019
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-93PIX02
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Photographs of Maggio 'Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta', Piazza al Serchio company at Varliano, 4/8/96
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-96PIX01
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-04 End Date1996-08-04
Photographs of Maggio 'Antilla e Giffredo', Acqua Bianca company at Casciana 4/8/96
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-96PIX02
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Latitude44.0184 Longitude10.4497 Start Date1996-08-10 End Date1996-08-10
Photographs of Maggio 'Santa Flavia', Partigliano company at Motrone 10/8/96
Extended Data
- ID
- LB2-96PIX03
- Languages
- Italian - ita
- Countries
- Italy - IT
- Publisher
- Linda Barwick
- Contact
- License
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
- Rights
- Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)