Basic Statistics

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Statistic Value Unit
Total Places
4 -
1825000 km2
Convex Hull
POLYGON((2 46,-2 53,15 62,20 52,2 46)) -
2.1917808219178E-6 places/km2
POINT(8.75 53.25) -
Bounding Box
POLYGON((-2 46,-2 62,20 62,20 46,-2 46)) -
Most Central Place
Carriage with black velvet and gold brocade, & six harnesses, 1, Catherine of Braganza, Queen consort of England, Scotland and Ireland -
Most Distant Place from center
12 richly harnessed horses, 1, Charles XI, King of Sweden, Envoy of the King of Sweden -
  • Average Distance from Centroid: 869.22958402602
  • Average Distance from Centroid / Area of Convex Hull: 0.00047629018302796