Basic Statistics

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Statistic Value Unit
Total Places
48 -
97729.666032209 km2
Convex Hull
POLYGON((-1.705664651 50.76320528,-2.924717444 51.85037461,-2.661150392 55.54001397,-1.801845304 54.59090008,1.306080777 51.13347192,-1.705664651 50.76320528)) -
0.00049115076259629 places/km2
POINT(-0.775335896083333 51.791906260208314) -
Bounding Box
POLYGON((-2.924717444 50.76320528,-2.924717444 55.54001397,1.306080777 55.54001397,1.306080777 50.76320528,-2.924717444 50.76320528)) -
Most Central Place
Lusus Westmonasterienses : sive epigrammatus et poematum minorum delectus. (Westmonasterii : Ex officinâ A. Campbell, MDCCXXX [1730]) -
Most Distant Place from center
A short treatise containing all the principal grounds of Christian religion. : By way of questions and answers, very profitable for all sorts of men, but especially for housholders. Whereunto are added several questions by the Reverend author's own pen, to clear the exposition: as you may perceive by the epistle to the reader.. (London: E Crouch, 1670.) -
  • Average Distance from Centroid: 68.391432735653
  • Average Distance from Centroid / Area of Convex Hull: 0.00069980217381601