Advanced Statistics

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Statistic Value Unit
Distance Between Places
  • Min distance between 2 places: 0.01814793547
  • Max distance between 2 places: 0.054215802
  • Average distance between places: 0.032222373756667
  • Median distance between places: 0.030115535055
  • Standard Deviation of distance between places: 0.011563352695131
  • Average Min distance between neighbouring places: 0.0226391906625
  • Median Min distance between neighbouring places: 0.0206720163
  • Standard Deviation of Min distance between neighbouring places: 0.0052830789459474
Most Distant Place From Any Other Place
  • Title: Warner Lane south end entrance off Little Lonsdale Street
  • Coordinates: -37.813668487603636, 144.9535445590818