Basic Statistics

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Statistic Value Unit
Total Places
30 -
10893.583147501 km2
Convex Hull
POLYGON((151.212154 -33.86716729,151.2118811 -33.86713358,150.8887801 -32.26325832,150.8564447 -32.04716654,151.9681079 -32.40597528,152.0145581 -32.6663159,151.212154 -33.86716729)) -
0.0027539148133167 places/km2
POINT(151.56205307666667 -32.857497601666665) -
Bounding Box
POLYGON((150.8564447 -33.86716729,150.8564447 -32.04716654,152.0145581 -32.04716654,152.0145581 -33.86716729,150.8564447 -33.86716729)) -
Most Central Place
Backhouse & Walker 'visited a detachment of fourteen men, belonging to a bridge and road-party, at the Iron-bark Creek, about eight miles from Newcastle, toward Maitland'. This group 'were gathered up' and 'at length collected in an overseer's hut' where Backhouse & Walker 'were strengthened to extend to them an invitation to turn to the Lord.' -
Most Distant Place from center
While staying in Sydney, Backhouse and Walker were 'much occupied in sending books, and tracts to persons' whom they had visited over the course of their journey. -
  • Average Distance from Centroid: 39.623235539978
  • Average Distance from Centroid / Area of Convex Hull: 0.0036373005101694